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About stallion

Born year



Lövsta - Stjärnborg

Withers Height



H3K Equestrian AB


J.A.J. Verschoor



Semen availability
Fresh sperm

Only available in Sweden

Frozen sperm

Not available



VAT and transportation fee is additional costs. Price may be adjusted due to unforseen events.

Transport costs

Fresh sperm by car 950 SEK + VAT

Fresh sperm by air 1300 SEK + VAT

Frozen sperm by car 2700 SEK + VAT

Frozen sperm by air : contact us for exact price

For more information about transportation fees or if you arrive with your mare to Stjärnborg, read more here. If you inseminate at Flyinge, read more here.



Insider VDL gained attention when he placed third in the champion ring at the stallion show in Den Bosch. He performed exceptionally well in the KWPN performance test, earning a total of 82.5 points, including individual scores of 8.5 for technique, reflexes, and future potential as a showjumper.

As a five-year-old, he represented KWPN, ridden by James Billington, at the World Championships for Young Horses in Zangersheide, where he delivered two clear rounds. He also impressed in stallion classes in Ermelo, De Peelbergen, and Zuidbroek. Insider VDL competed up to international 1.45m classes with Thomas Ryan.

In recent years, Insider VDL has been active in breeding while also taking time to recover from an injury sustained in the spring of 2022. He is an exceptionally talented jumper, characterized by great carefulness and excellent technique.



The offspring of Insider VDL are expressive, displaying elasticity in both body and canter, and appear to have sufficient blood. His daughter, Magdalena VDL, placed fifth in the Dutch Foal Championship and was also named the best filly at a foal championship. She has since competed successfully in 1.40m classes. Another offspring, Mika, has also placed in international 1.40m classes. Additionally, Miesarah van de Westerhoeve received high marks and was crowned "Champion of the CK Zeeland."



Insider VDL tillhör den framgångsrika westfaliska stammen 466. Fadern Etoulon VDL imponerade vid sitt bruksprov i KWPN och belönades med totalt 88,5 i slutpoäng. Etoulon VDL vann hingstklasserna i Zuidbroek, Roosendaal och Enschede som fyraåring. Under Jur Vrieling har han placeringar i 1.50-hoppning och har deltagit i det holländska Nations Cup-laget.

Modern Wianka H är premierad prok EPTM (spr) Elite i KWPN efter ett stoprov med 8.5 poäng för teknik, ridbarhet, inställning och utvecklingsbarhet. Wianka H har lämnat Ziro Percent som tävlat 1.60-hoppning.

The dam’s sire, Corland, competed in international 1.60m showjumping with Wout-Jan van der Schans and is one of the stallions that has had a significant impact on modern sport horse breeding. Corland is the sire of Bacardi VDL (World Cup winner with Janika Sprunger) and Silvana HDC (team silver at the 2011 European Championships and 2010 World Championships with Kevin Staut). In the third generation, Lux Z appears—another renowned sire and producer of sport horses.

The granddam, Non Stop G, is a ster-awarded mare in KWPN. A half-sister to the granddam produced Centurion B, who competed at 1.60m. The great-granddam, Alexas M, has produced several highly awarded mares in KWPN.

Insider VDL is approved in both KWPN and SWB.


  • Insider competing 145

  • Insider competition

  • Stallioncompetition 2017 Peelbergen

  • Offspring, Starbouche (Insider VDL x Baltic VDL) 2018 hingst

  • Offspring, Manchester (Insider vdl x Ahorn)