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About stallion

Born year



Borebackar Gård

Withers Height



Lövsta Stuteri


't Ruytershof



A brief story of

Le Blue Diamond has incredible rideability! He also has a good temperament and a strong desire to perform. In the jumping, he is careful, with a lot of scope and a good canter.

Semen availability
Fresh sperm

Only available in Sweden

Frozen sperm

Available for international orders



Fresh sperm

Booking fee 3500 SEK
Pregnancy fee 10000 SEK

Frozen sperm

Pay upfront + VAT 1200 EUR

VAT and transportation fee is additional costs. Price may be adjusted due to unforseen events.

Transport costs

Fresh sperm by car 950 SEK + VAT

Fresh sperm by air 1300 SEK + VAT

Frozen sperm by car 2700 SEK + VAT

Frozen sperm by air : contact us for exact price

For more information about transportation fees or if you arrive with your mare to Stjärnborg, read more here. If you inseminate at Flyinge, read more here.

For international orders read more here and contact the agent for shipping cost.



Le Blue Diamond competed successfully as a young horse and up to 1.50m classes under Jan Vermeiren. Some of the results as a young horse include being champion as a four year old, vice-champion as a five year old, champion as a six year old (Mechelen), and finalist as a seven year old in Gesves.

Olivier Philippaerts then took over the reins, and the new combination quickly found success in five-star competitions. Among other achievements, they ranked in the top ten at CSI5* in Mechelen and Gothenburg. With the Belgian team, the pair secured third place at the European Championships in Riesenbeck and also won the Global Champions League final in Prague. Olivier Philippaerts enjoyed great success with Le Blue Diamond until the end of the year, and during 2024, Thibault Philippaerts has competed with the stallion up to 1.55m classes.



Le Blue Diamond's first foal was born in 2015, and from the first crop comes the stallion Panter JVH. In the second crop, there are two sons approved by BWP, Quito Van den Aard and Look-O-Look Z (also approved by Zangersheide). The offspring have excelled in several free-jumping championships thanks to their ability and carefulness.



The sire, Plot Blue, competed at the highest level of international sport with Marcus Ehning. Plot Blue won, among other titles, the World Cup Final in Geneva in 2010, the Rolex Masters in Paris, the Equita Masters in Lyon, and the Cannes Grand Prix. Plot Blue's dam, Ilotte, also produced the well-known stallion Oklund.

The dam, Diamanthina van 't Ruytershof, was successful at the highest level with Constant van Paesschen. Diamanthina's famous full brother, Emerald van 't Ruytershof, has been even more successful both in sport, with Harrie Smolders in the saddle, and in breeding. Diamanthina has produced three approved sons: Kentucky van 't Ruytershof, Je 't Adore van 't Ruytershof, and Le Blue Diamond van 't Ruytershof.

The grandsire, Diamant de Semilly, competed in international Grand Prix jumping with numerous successes at 1.60m classes. He is a top sire in show jumping breeding, consistently ranking at the top of the international stallion rankings year after year."


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    Le Blue Diamond van 't Ruytershof - CSIO5* GRAND PRIX Rotterdam

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    Le Blue Diamond van´t Ruytershof Aachen 2021

  • Le Blue Diamond van´t Ruytershof Gothenburg Horse Show 2020

  • Le Blue Diamond offspring